Atomic Game Engine 2016 Road Map Released


The road map for the Atomic Game Engine, which we looked at late last year, was just released and highlights upcoming developments for the engine.

2016 Roadmap

DISCLAIMER: As with most roadmaps, this one is subject to change. This is a snapshot of current planning and priorities, things get moved around, opportunities happen, etc. It is also not “complete”

  1. New WebSite – We need a new website, badly. The main page and landing video have not been updated since the initial March 4th Early Access!
  2. New User Experience, documentation and tutorial videos
  3. Improved iOS/Android deployment with support for shipping on App Store/Google Play. We also plan on publishing a mobile iOS/Android example
  4. Continued work on editor asset pipeline, scene editor, etc
  5. WebGL improvements, there is a lot going on currently with WebGL and we need to update the build and provide a means to communicate with the page JavaScript
  6. Script debugging with breakpoints, callstacks, locals, etc, including on device
  7. First class TypeScript support with round trip code editing, compiling, debugging
  8. Basic Oculus Rift support (Q2)
  9. Multiple top level windows for the Atomic Editor
  10. Improvements to the new Chromium WebView API
  11. Examples, examples, examples, including a bigger “full game” example
  12. Animation Editor
  13. Evaluate lightmap generation with Blender cycles
  14. The things that need to happen, or are under NDA, and are not listed on this roadmap 🙂

In addition to the roadmap, a thorough history of the engine and the company people it are available here.

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