BabylonJS V4 Released

BabylonJS, an open source browser based game engine, just released a major update in the form of the 4.0 release.  In addition to a website makeover and new forums, the 3D game engine gained several improvements including a new Inspector, improved PBR rendering capabilities, physics support via the Ammo.js plugin and much more.  If you are interested in learning BabylonJS, be sure to check out our existing tutorial series available here.

Top level features from the release notes:

Be sure to check the complete release notes for more details, as there are dozens more improvements as well as several breaking changes for Babylon v3.x developers to be aware of.

BabylonJS is open source and available on GitHub under the Apache open source license.  It ships with an excellent interactive playground that makes learning and playing with BabylonJS a breeze.  There is also a complete cloud based level editor available here.  Check out the video below to learn more about this release and to see that playground, inspector and editor in action.

Video HERE

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