bforartists 2.0 was just released. bforartists is a fork of Blender aimed at making Blender more usable for artists, new users and indie developers with a series of changes including new keymaps, icons, workflow and completely new documentation.
Key changes over traditional Blender include:
- custom key mapping
- mouse only navigation (great for touch screens like the Surface)
- widget manipulation with cursor off widget
- keymaps can switch between BForArtists and Blender
- theme has coloured icons and increased contrast
- icons in menus, 2x more icons
- removal of duplicate menus, if its in toolshelf, it’s not in the menu
- menus for all hotkey only items (such as Text->Move Cursor)
- reduced number of workspace templates
- left aligned text in menus such as toolbox
- lock camera to view icon
- primitive toolbar in 3D viewport, customizable and dynamic to mode
- bforartist targeted at beginners and indie developers, not pros
- PDF manuals (WIP) with more detail, in PDFs
Learn more about the 2.0 release here. You can check out bforartists in action in the vi
deo below. The documentation is currently a WIP and is available here.