The Blender Foundation recently released their new animated short Spring, a completely open film that is used to push development of Blender forward. Along side the Spring release, they are also offering a free month when you sign up for the Blender Cloud service. The Blender Cloud is a subscription service that helps support the development of Blender, while offering you several nice features including:
- All of the assets used in their open films
- Sample blend file to download and learn from
- 1,500+ textures and dozens of HDR environment maps
- Plugin to access the above resources
- Dozens of high quality multi-part tutorials
- Tools to share and collaborate with others on Blender Cloud
You can sign up here for €9.90 a month. The first month will be free and you will not be billed until the 2nd month begins enabling you to try Blender Cloud for free. To see inside the Blender Cloud service, check out the video below.