This is a brand new series being launched on YouTube and GameFromScratch and is somewhat different in scope. The aim is to essentially make the same game several times in different game engines. We are creating a simple bowling game in various different 3D game engines. In fact, we are creating this bowling game which we completed earlier using the PlayCanvas game engine.
For each game engine in the series we will implement basically the exact same game, along with a step by step text version, plus a video of the process. This should be useful for a number of reasons. First it enables you to directly compare the workflow between different game engines. Second, it shows… perhaps not best practices, but how to get started creating a full featured, if extremely limited, 3D game with physics, scenes, model importing an more.
At this point in time I have begun implementing it in a number of different engines, including:
- PlayCanvas
- Atomic Game Engine
- Godot 2.x
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
Depending on the popularity of the series I am willing to implement the game in other engines as well with a few caveats. The engines need to support all the required features ( level editor, 3d model importing, physics, etc ) required to make the game. So while I could implement such a title in a code focused API such as Ogre or LibGDX, it’s completely outside of the scope of what I am trying to accomplish here. I also need to have access to the game engine, either through public domain, free trial, etc. This currently rules out some engines such as Leadwerks and Shiva unfortunately.
Beyond the engines listed above, I’d love to hear what other engines you would like to see covered?