Cocos Creator 1.1.2 Released


Cocos Creator is a game engine and editor built over top of Cocos2d-x for building mobile games using JavaScript.  I created a hands-on review of an earlier version of Cocos Creator if you want to learn more information.


This release brings several small changes and fixes.  From the release notes:

  • [Editor] Build to Web platform will merge asset JSON files now. The requests to download asset will drop by 50% in general. Currently an asset shared among multiple scenes will be merged additively. (If assetA and assetB both referenced by sceneC and sceneD, assetA and assetB will be merged into one JSON)
  • [Editor] Disable ‘Preview’ button when there’re compilation error for user script. Once all errors are resolved the error log will be cleared in console.
  • [Editor] Removed Squirrel.Windows installer framework, with the new installer you can specify installation location and configure check update frequency.
  • [Editor] Fixed spriteFrame atlas replacement tool can cause reference error when replacing spriteFrame in multiple scenes.
  • [Scene] Fixed multi-select some nodes and press arrow keys to move them may get the distance wrong issue.
  • [Component] The Add component menu in Properties panel now sorted alphabetically.
  • [Importer] When import Cocos Studio or Cocos Builder project, buttons without text will not create Label nodes.
  • [Importer] Fixed import Cocos Studio older version may cause animation data lost issue.
  • [Importer] Fixed imported Cocos Studio / Cocos Builder project wrong value of lineHeight for Bitmap Font component issue.
  • [Build] Fixed build native failed may cause process to freeze issue.
  • [Build] Fixed preview with Chrome browser may cause Failed to parse SourceMap error issue.
  • [Build] Fixed building an empty project will cause: Build Failed: Error: TypeError: next is not a function issue.
  • [Prefab] Add a main menu item Node Presets-> Convert to Ordinary Node to break break the link of a node to prefab asset.
  • [Prefab] Fixed in prefab editing mode click ‘save’ button may not work issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed setting node opacity at the last frame event callback of an animation may fail issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed deleting animation event may fail issue.
  • [Assets] Fixed atlas and TTF assets may get reimported when open project issue.
  • [Assets] Fixed sprite not rendered correctly when referenced spriteFrame asset moved issue.
  • [Assets] Fixed texture asset thumbnail not updated when texture content changed issue.
  • [Assets] Fixed an error that can cause editor to freeze when importing 10000+ assets for new project issue.
  • [Assets] Fixed assets may not be imported correctly when moved assets after close editor issue.
  • [Assets] Add a warning dialog when user moved assets without updating the corresponding meta files.
  • [Assets] Add a replace asset confirmation dialog when dragging assets with the same names from file system to editor’s Assets panel.
  • [Render] Fixed an issue that when setting parent node’s opacity to 0 while setting child node’s active to false may cause child node to not render when reactivated.
  • [Engine] Fixed simulator cannot send http request on macOS 10.11 issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed VS Code debug native fail on Mac issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed cc.follow action result in wrong coordinates issue.
  • [Engine] Add an error message when assign a boolean type value to cc.Label.string.
  • [Engine] Fixed API may not work correctly in native platforms issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed screen flicker when switching scenes.
  • [Engine] Fixed script initialization may fail issue when re-enter a scene.
  • [Engine] Fixed when loading a Prefab asset in scene may cause infinite asset request issue.
  • [Engine] If game is running on Android OS with virtual buttons, the virtual button will be hidden when game launches.
  • [Engine] Fixed cc.repeat action will count wrongly when repeat times is above 6.
  • [JSB] Fixed cc.follow may cause error in JSB native platforms.
  • [JSB] Fixed scheduler.isScheduled() not implemented in JSB issue.
  • [JSB] Fixed _errorHandler wasn't found error reported in console with no valid reason issue.
  • [JSB] Fixed setMargin API not implemented in JSB for LabelOutline issue.
  • [Audio] Fixed audio asset takes very long to load on iOS browser issue.
  • [Audio] Fixed rewind API not working for AudioSource component issue.
  • [Label] Fixed when overflow set to Shrink font size and label text flow not calculated correctly issue.
  • [Label] For BitmapFont label, When total character width smaller than Label node’s width, character wrap mode will be enabled.
  • [Label] Fixed system font overflow not calculated correctly issue.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed button in ScrollView may stay in hover state issue.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed register touchend touchcancel event on ScrollView node may not trigger correctly issue.
  • [ScrollView] Disable ScrollView node will stop scrolling now.
  • [EditBox] Add all lowercase format, fixed using TTF font asset on Android system issue.
  • [EditBox] Fixed calling setVisible will pop keyboard issue.
  • [EditBox] Fixed on mobile browser EditBox need to be clicked twice to pop keyboard issue.
  • [EditBox] Fixed EditBox not clickable in ScrollView issue.
  • [Layout] Fixed change child node’s active property will not get correct bounding box size in None mode issue.
  • [Layout] Fixed issue when add a child node to Layout and then remove will not remove event listeners correctly.
  • [Button] Fixed switching interactable property for Button will not update normal and disable state spriteFrame issue.
  • [Collider] Fixed disabling collider will not clear debug draw issue.
  • [MotionStreak] Improved MotionStreak compatibility for Android browser.
  • [Tilemap] Fixed TiledMap may render with seams in WebGL platform issue.
  • [Tilemap] Fixed SGTiledLayer has inconsistent API between Web and Native implementation issue.
  • [Tilemap] Fixed issue that when tmx file is not at the same location of texture file the Tilemap may not rendered correctly issue.
  • [Spine] Fixed getCurrent() may cause infinite loop in JSB native platform issue. Please usespine.getCurrent() to fetch current playing track.
  • [Mask] Fixed masked node can still receive touch event issue.
  • [Mask] Fixed disabled Mask component can still block child node from touch event issue.

Creator for Mac
Creator for Windows

GameDev News Cocos2D

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