As I have been working with Cocos2D-html ( and PlayStation GameEngine2D which is based on cocos2D ) lately, I decided to take a look at what the cocos2D book situation was like. While about half as large as my Unity 3D book round-up there is still a nice, growing collection of cocos2D related books.
The cocos2D book round-up is a collection of every currently published book on the subject of cocos2D. It contains all of the details you may want to know when selecting a book ( author, page count, rating, links to Amazon, Safari Books Online and the publisher, publish date, table of contents, publisher description, etc ) all on a single page. So if you are in the market for a book on cocos2D, or just want to see what all is available, start here.
I am to be as comprehensive as possible, so if I’ve missed a book on the subject, or made a mistake, please let me know!