Cocos2D HTML5 development just got a world better…

There is now documentation!


This is a big boon, and one of the biggest downsides to many open source projects.  Put simply, making documentation isn’t really all that fun, so most people don’t bother.  It’s great when a project takes the effort.  Up until now I’ve used the normal Cocos2Dx documentation combined with browsing through the source code, but now with JavaScript specific documentation, the world just got a heck of a lot easier.



So, be sure to check it out.  If you haven’t been exposed to Cocos2D HTML, it is an HTML port of the popular cocos2D library.  You can check out a series of tutorials on this site, with more coming soon.  You can also see a game in action right here.


If you are running a similar project, don’t under-estimate the value of good documentation, it is absolutely HUGE.  So if you actually want people using what you are investing all your time into creating, consider spending some time on documentation.  Kudos to the cocos2DHTML5 team.

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