Cocos2d-x 3.13 and Cocos Creator 1.2.1 Released


A pair of game engine from the Cocos2d-x team this week.  First off was the release of Cocos2d-x 3.1.3.  Cocos2d-x is a C++ port of the popular cross platform Cocos2D game engine.  I have a tutorial series on Cocos2d-x available here if you wish to learn more.  The also announced the release of Cocos Creator 1.2.1.  Cocos Creator is a 2D game engine and editor for building games in JavaScript and built over top of the Cocos2d-x project.  For more information on Cocos Creator check out this hands on video.


Details on the Cocos2d-x release:

  • added VR plugins for Gear, Deepoon, Google Cardboard and Oculus.
  • support ETC1 alpha channel
  • fix AudioEngine performance for Android 4.2+
  • improve canvas renderer performance with dirty region
  • add Android arm-64 support switch to use gcc 4.9
  • upgrade CURL to 7.50.0
  • upgrade Spine to 3.4
  • upgrade GLFW to 3.2


And from the Cocos Creator release:

  • [Assets] Fixed renaming asset will cause error when using filter in Assets panel.
  • [Preview] Fixed using console.log(node) in browser preview will generate a lot of error message issue.
  • [Preview] Fixed when previewing scene in browser, enter prefab editing mode will cause error issue.
  • [Editor] Fixed loading a new scene right after save previous scene in editor may cause the new scene to be overwrite by old scene issue.
  • [Dashboard] Fixed can’t create a new project at root path on windows issue.
  • [Build] Fixed an error that may cause built engine size not reduced as engine module setting.
  • [Build] Fixed deleting scene when Build Setting panel is open cause built game to black screen issue.
  • [Preference] Added ‘Enable Auto Compile’ option in ‘Data Editor’ tab of Preference panel. So user can disable auto compile and only use manual compile.
  • [Code-Editor] Fixed ‘tab’ key not working in builtin Code Editor.
  • [Console] Fixed clicking error message in bottom status bar will not jump to Console panel correctly issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed some UI element may cause memory leak issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed an error cause ‘Landscape’ orientation not enforced on mobile device.
  • [Engine] Fixed Mouse hover event not cleared after scene switch issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed defining a global variable in a script with ‘Import as plugin’ option will cause error issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed skew render calculation not consistent between Web and native platforms issue.
  • [Render] Fixed a bug that cause BMFont not able to be batch rendered.
  • [Graphics] Fixed when drawing arc set counterclockwise will get wrong direction issue.
  • [Graphics] Fixed using some API on Windows will cause crash issue.
  • [Action] Fixed using ScaleBy, SkewBy actions will cause ‘too much recursion’ error
  • [JSB] Now send API of can accept object argument on native platforms
  • [JSB] Now runAction will return action instance on native platforms.
  • [Component] Fixed fetching property reference failed and display as NONE issue when there’s a lot of properties defined on a single component.
  • [Component] Fixed color picker cannot save color correctly issue.
  • [Button] Fixed when Transition set to Color, updating interactable to false will not get correct appearance issue.
  • [Mask] Fixed a bug that cause Mask not taking effect in event handling if register event before node is added to the node tree.
  • [Animation] Fixed Collider component size will be reset to 0 when adding key frame in animation issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed setting node active to false in another component’s onEnable method will not stop animation from playing issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed compiling script in Animation editing mode will cause trajectory disappear issue.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed scrollBar not updated correctly when scrolling to the bottom and removing the last entry.
  • [ScrollView] Only allow event register when content property bound to a node.
  • [ScrollView] Added cancelInnerEvents property to control if touchmove and touchend event can penetrate to entry node.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed scrollBar will disappear when Scrollview node is activated.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed the white top margin issue on iOS platform.
  • [Label] Fixed opaque alias around Label in WebGL render mode.
  • [Label] Fixed LabelOutline component can cause infinite loop for Shrink overflow on label.
  • [Label] Fixed when loading multiple TTF assets, Label component may end up using the wrong TTF asset issue.
  • [Label] Fixed adding BitmapFont asset to the project when editor is not active may cause importing to fail issue.
  • [VideoPlayer] Added currentTime, duration and isPlaying API.
  • [Widget] Fixed Widget component may get disabled in editor after run preview.
  • [SpriteDistortion] Fixed sphere distortion component not working in refactored WebGL render system.
  • [EditBox] Fixed when input type set to Number, maxLength property had no effect issue.

GameDev News Cocos2D

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