CopperCube 5.7 Released

CopperCube is a 3D game engine that aims at being simple, all in one and easy to use, with minimal to zero coding required.  They just released version 5.7 which brings a few new major features such as dynamic level loading, realtime shadows and more.

Complete details of the release are available here and summarized below.

  • Realtime Shadows Support
  • Big game support and dynamic level loading
  • Simplified uploading games to Android Play Store
  • Floating point render targets

As well as smaller fixes including:

  • The default Android update mode is now ‘every frame’ instead of ‘when scene changed’, resulting in a more smooth gameplay. Also, this will reduce the ‘stuttering’ which some people noticed on faster Android devices.
  • The editor now uses some bigger default window sizes when run on bigger screens
  • Windows .exe Apps no longer store their variables in the “CopperCubeApp” folder in the registry, but in a folder named after the application name.
  • The engine now uses less memory when run on Windows / Mac OS
  • WebGL: Replaced local files warning with updated information (the “allow-file-access-from-files” flag doesn’t work anymore with Chrome)
  • Fixed a bug causing dynamic point lights not to rendered correcty sometimes when there was a directional light active as well
  • Improved polish translation
  • Fixed a problem when using the “Restart scene” action which caused memory to leak.
  • Resetting a behavior now using the “Reset” action causes the FPS camera and keyboard controlled camera also to reset their keyboard states

You can learn more about CopperCube here.

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