On the heels of the recent acquisition of Corona by Perk, Corona just announced the private beta release of Corona Ads:
Only a few weeks have gone by since Corona Labs joined the Perk team and we already have some exciting news for developers. We are announcing the Beta for Corona Ads!
Corona Ads features easy monetization via banner ads, interstitials, and video ads. Integration is simple – you can add ads into your app with just a few lines of code. Corona Ads presents a turn-key solution for Corona developers to start monetizing their apps today.
We’re looking for developers to participate in the private Corona Ads product beta.
If you’re interested in signing up for the beta program, please visit our signup form on ads.coronalabs.com.
If you’ve never heard of it, Corona is a Lua based game engine aimed at mobile game development. It was featured years ago in the Lua Game Engine round up although a massive amount has changed since that comparison was authored.