Creating Vector Game Art using iDraw on iPad


As part of the ongoing Guide to Creating a Game Entirely on an iPad series, we recently looked at a number of 2D raster and vector graphics programs available onidraw_large_icon iOS.  One of the programs that really stood out was iDraw, a vector drawing program.  I’ve actually used iDraw for a while now, going back to the concept art I did for the Blender tutorial series and I am certainly a fan.  Although both Inkscape (Desktop) and Inkpad (iPad) are available for free, I find both to be pretty unwieldy at times.  iDraw just hits that sweet spot between usability and functionality, at least for me.


In this video I take a more in-depth look at iDraw. 


In this video I show the functionality available in iDraw.  THe first half of the video I complete this game art tutorial that was written for Inkscape, so if you are familiar with Inkscape, you can see how iDraw works at the same task.  If you’ve got no experience with vector graphics at all, this video should certainly give you the basics.   The last half of the video is a tour of iDraw’s additional functionality.




If you have a Mac or iPad and are looking for a vector graphics solution, iDraw is certainly worth checking out.  iDraw is available for $8.99 on the AppStore for iPad, while it is also available (with almost identical functionality) on the Mac for $24.99.   If you are looking for a tutorial on creating vector graphics, or are looking for more details on using vector graphics for game dev, 2dgameartforprogrammers is a great resource you should check out.


… I still hate the name iDraw though.  I hate an irrational hatred for all iNaming iProducts, I think many others do too!  Get over the name though and you will find an excellent product.


Next up, I will look at using Vector graphics from a Codea code perspective, to see how it’s done and what the performance is like.  Stay tuned!

Art Applications

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