Defold 1.2.128 Released

The Defold engine just received a new release, 1.2.128.  This release is primarily composed of fixes, however Spine functionality now supports runtime skin as well as the ability to send GUI messages.  If you are new to Defold, be sure to check out our complete tutorial series available here.

Details of the release from the release notes:


  • DEF-3188Added: API to change Spine skin slots dynamically.
  • DEF-3056Added: Spine events in GUI scripts.
  • DEF-3279Added: Total resource sizes in the resource profiler.
  • DEF-3286Fixed: Added fix for null access in rare cases after calling iap.restore() on Android.
  • DEF-3283Fixed: WebAudio on HTML5 start on first mouse/touch interaction.
  • DEF-3198Fixed: HTML5 bug where clicks were not caught if canvas wasn’t selected.
  • DEF-3281Fixed: Sprite can now use 32-bit index buffers (which means each collection can have more than 16k sprites).
  • DEF-3277Fixed: Profile port 8002 may fail on certain network conditions.
  • DEF-2191Fixed: Memory leak in callbacks for models, particlefx and spine.

Editor 2

  • DEFEDIT-1354Fixed: Lost layout overrides after reordering Gui nodes.
  • DEFEDIT-1373Fixed: Font resources will now use all available processor cores to generate bitmaps.
  • DEFEDIT-1381Fixed: Assets tree refreshes faster in projects with many dependencies on Windows.
  • DEFEDIT-1387Fixed: Spine/Model animations sometimes sample outside of timeline data.
  • DEFEDIT-1388Fixed: File extensions are no longer case sensitive in the editor.
  • DEFEDIT-1391Fixed: The compile phase will now use all available processor cores when building.
  • DEFEDIT-1394Fixed: Script errors report line numbers when building.

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