Humble are running another Bundle of interest to game developers, this one is the Developing Your Own Games by Springer bundle. A massive collection of e-books by APress covering a huge number of game engines and technologies. As always it is broken into tiers, if you buy a higher value tier you get all of the lower value tiers below it as well.
The tiers of this bundle consist of:
- Java Game Development with LibGDX
- Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS
- Learn Unity for Android Game Development
- Practical Video Game Bots
- Developing Games on The Raspberry Pi
- Developing Turn-Based Multiplayer Games
- Python, PyGame and Raspberry Pi Game Development
- Mostly Codeless Game Development
- Learn Unity for Windows 10 Game Development
- The Advanced Game Developer’s Toolkit
- Pro Java 9 Games Development
- Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts
- Essential TypeScript
- Practical GameMaker Studio
- Physically Based Shader Development for Unity 2017
- Developing 2D Games with Unity
- Program Arcade Games
- Beginning Android Games
- Let’s Build a Multiplayer Phaser Game
- Beginning iOS AR Game Development
- Game Development with Construct 2
- Understanding Game Application Development
- Pro HTML5 Games
- Introducing JavaScript Game Development
- GameMaker Studio 100 Programming Challenges
As always with Humble you can decide how your money is allocated, between the publisher, Humble, charity or if you so choose (and thanks if you do!) to support GameFromScratch by using this link. Learn more about the bundle in the video below.