Today we are taking a look at the open source cross platform 2D/3D C++ based Lua-powered game engine Echo. While Echo is very much it’s own engine, it has a very Godot vibe in the way your game scene is organised, taking a node based approach to game development. The engine is released under the very permissive MIT open source license.
From the project GitHub page, Echo is described as:
Echo is a new game engine, which used more industry-standard of nowadays for game development. The new design concept makes the engine simplicity to use. but more powerful. Scene manager is easy, No Entiy, No GameObject, No Component, No Prefab. Only Node and NodeTree.
In the video below we go hands-on with this active open source project. In the later half of the video we show how you can build the engine on Windows, before you begin however you will need to have Visual Studio 2019 with C++ support and CMake installed on your machine.