There is a new Humble of interest to game developers (artists specifically), the Flipped Normals 3D Sculpting & Character Mastery Humble Bundle. This bundle is composed of courses and sculpting related asset backs from 3D marketplace FlippedNormals. As with most Humble Bundles this one is organized into tiers:
EDIT – It seems the 1$ tier was in error and as the bundle went live it was actually $10. Sorry for the confusion this change may have caused.
10$ Tier
Introduction to ZBrush
Sculpting a Realistic Female Face in ZBrush
Sculpting a Realistic Male Face in ZBrush
Sculpting the Facial Features in ZBrush
Concepting with Marvelous Designer & ZBrush
Sculpting Thanos & The Infinity Gauntlet in ZBrush
Concept Sculpting for Film and Games
Mid Tier
Introduction to Sculpting
Introduction to Sculpting in Blender
FlippedNormals Anatomy Bust
FlippedNormals Face VDM
Character Concept Sculpting in ZBrush
Handpainting Skin Textures in Substance Painter
25$ Tier
Realistic Character Portrait Masterclass
Creating a Full Character in ZBrush
Character Face Texturing in Substance Painter
FlippedNormals Eye Kit
FlippedNormals Skin Kit
FlippedNormals Face Kit
FlippedNormals Creature Kit
Humble Bundle have changed their affiliate program and now there is no longer a slider to support GFS. Using our link will still support GFS (and thanks so much if you do!) just like before. You can learn more about the Flipped Normals 3D Sculpting & Character Mastery Humble Bundle in the video below.