There is a new Humble of interest to game developers, the Game Dev, Design & Graphics by Mercury bundle. It’s a collection of ebooks around the topics of game development, graphics and design from Mercury Press. Be careful though, several of these books have been in previous bundles. As with all Humble Bundles, this one is organized into tiers:
- 3D Printing
- Mathematics for Computer Graphics and Game Programming
- AutoCAD 2021 3D Modelling
- Photoshop Elements 2018
- Embedded Vision
- Photographic Enhancement Videos using Photoshop CC 2021 (video)
- Game Development using Processing
- 3D Character Development
- AutoCAD 2021 Beginning and Intermediate
- Classic Game Design with Unity
- Game Testing
- Basic Electronics
- XML Basics
- Excel Functions and Formulas
- Programming Fundamentals with MATLAB
- Python Video Tutorials (video)
- Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL Using C++
- Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL using Java
- Game Development Using Python
- Python: Intro to Programming (Game App Approach)
- Programming Fundamentals Using Java: A Game Dev Approach
- Making Amazing Games Using Fusion 2.5
- Data Visualization for Business Decisions
- Intro 3D Game Programming DX12
- Photograph Restoration and Enhancement using Photoshop 22 2021
- Storyboarding
As with all Humbles you decide how your money is allocated, between charity, Humble, the publisher and if you so with (and thanks if you do!) to support GFS using this link. You can learn more about the Game Dev Design and Graphics bundle in the video below.