Game From Scratch C++ edition chapter 8 is now live


Chapter 8 of the GFS beginner C++ tutorial, Pang! is now live and can be accessed here.



This chapter represents a bit of a break from the norm, in that it deals with code design more than it does actual SFML and game implementation.  I actually had a great deal of fun writing this chapter, but the end result is very little usable code.  There is a companion post to this one that illustrates much better use of SFML’s audio classes, that should be up shortly.  That said, I think you could learn a great  deal from this post, it may even alter the way you program!



Instead this post introduces the concept of design patterns and illustrates a way to de-couple  your code, so you don’t end up littered with global and manager classes.  It covers a concept that I have never seen covered by a game tutorial before, but then, there might be a good reason for that! Winking smile



So give it a read and let me know what you think.  Would you like to see more posts like this, or would you like me to focus on more implementation specific aspects?

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