Nathan, a reader of this site, has graciously agreed to provide his port(s) of the Game From Scratch C++ tutorial from 1.6 to 2.0. He started with chapter 6, as prior chapters mostly involved simple changes in property/method names, as SFML has moved to CamelCase. Chapter 6 is the first chapter where more intensive changes needed to be made.
So if you are following along my C++ tutorial, but would prefer to work with SFML 2.0, download these projects instead. Nathan has promised to make each following chapters code available as well, and once I am up to current, I will edit in the original tutorial posts so you have an option of downloading either 1.6 or 2.0 project versions.
Sometime in the future, I will put together a post on what is required to port from 1.6 to 2.0, I promise… sometime.
This project is exactly like the 1.6 ones. It is preconfigured ( with SFML 2 release candidate ), so all you have to do is download, unzip and open the solution in Visual Studio.
Download Pang6 here. Will update as further chapters become available.
Thanks Nathan.
EDIT: Link fixed.