We first covered the Game UI Database in April of 2023 and at the time it was one of the single best resources for game UI/UX designers, with a massive database of game user interface elements. Today, Game UI Database 2.0 has been released, a massive (ironically enough) user interface overhaul for the valuable game designer tool.
The 2.0 release as described by the creator:
I can’t believe it’s finally here!! What began as a promised anniversary update in 2021 quickly feature-crept its way into what would become the biggest project of my life. As wonderful as the original Game UI Database was, there were a huge number of features I really wanted to add that I’d always wished for when I was a junior. So, what you’re seeing here is three years of hard work, rebuilding everything from scratch in an attempt to create the dream website that I’ve had in my head for well over a decade.
2.0 is only the beginning (but please don’t ever let me do a 3.0)! Stay tuned for even more feature updates in the coming weeks, and more games than you can shake a health bar at. But for now: kick back, relax, and have fun exploring this site.
Oh, and go make some awesome UI so I can add it to the database!!
Key Links
Game UI Database 2.0 Release Notes
Padcrafter (UI Design Tool from same creator)
You can learn more about the excellent Game UI Database and the 2.0 release in the video below.