I have noticed that there isn’t one good single source for game development news. When a new game engine is announced or a new version of a critical tool, library or engine is released, there is no easy way to hear about it. I hope to step in and fix this with GameFromScratch. I am to become a single hub for indie and professional game development release news. Basically I am going to scour the web for information so you don’t have to.
The following is the list of projects that I intend to monitor for news worthy activity. This is of course a work in progress, so if there is an engine, tool or project you want me to follow, let me know in comments or email me at [email protected]. Once finalized I will make this list permanently available so it will be easy to tell which projects are being tracked. As news occurs it will be announced here under the category GameDev News. Don’t worry, this isn’t GameFromScratch turning into a news only site, things will remain much as they are… just with a lot more news thrown in!
If you are the author of a tool, engine or project that is not on this list, be certain to email me. Of course, if you’ve got news to announce, sending it to me directly will result in a much higher chance of me noticing and thus reporting on it. Ideally include a link to your RSS feed if one exists. Otherwise I am setting up an elaborate network of RSS feeds, scripts and manual site checks to keep track of what is going on in the world of game development.
This is of course a work in progress, so give me some time to get things all sorted and working properly. Your feedback is as always appreciated!
So without further ado, the initial list of technologies I am monitoring. The “Other” category is for the topics I am considering covering or that I feel are news worthy but don’t have a single source.
Engine | Tools/Libs | Other |
If you are wondering, the first column is mostly composed of complete game engines while the second contains mostly game libraries and tools. The distinction is completely arbitrary so don’t mind which column I sorted a given technology by, it has no real meaning. I may move libraries to a completely different column in the future.
I know that by no means this list is complete, it’s just the libraries I could come up with off the top of my head that are news worthy ( mature, have a user base and aren’t abandoned ). So if you have additional suggests, please email them or leave them in the comments below. As new suggestions are added I will update this list accordingly until I consider it “ready”, at which point I will move it to a permanent location.
News GameDev News