Ok, if I am completely honest, I opened the account in April, but it has sat there doing absolutely nothing. This is about to change. I have been noticing that more and more of this sites traffic is coming from t.co and it started to feel a bit like I had my head buried in the sands when it comes to this whole social media thing.
So, if you like GameFromScratch the site, try GameFromScratch the Twi… er, Tweet.
Basically, follow us on Twitter.
I won’t promise you it will be funny, or informative or even interesting. But I do promise you it won’t ever contain a single cat picture.
Unless of course that cat creates a damned good game that is. Even then, probably not. Stupid cats.
Are you a Twitterer? Any recommendations of must follow game development Twitterers, well other of course than @GameFromScratch that is!
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