Gideros Mobile 2017.3 Released


Gideros Mobile just released version 2017.3.  Gideros Mobile is an open source, cross platform, Lua powered game engine available for download here for Windows and Mac OS.  This release brings plugin improvements, Windows UWP support improvements, some Lua language extensions and more. 

Release details from the Gideros Blog:

Gideros 2017.3

This is a big release and has been described as “the best Gideros ever!”. In releasing this version we’ve also implemented a new testing system with more beta testers so it should be rock solid.

One major improvement to UWP (formerly WinRT) is that there is no explicit reference to a Visual Studio SQLite extension. Previously users had to install an extension from VS “app store” before they could build Windows/Phone apps. The problem was Microsoft keeps updating the extension so when people downloaded the latest Visual Studio release it was always out of sync with the Gideros auto-generated project leading to manual tinkering. Now the bottom line is everything Just Works and you don’t need to download anything from Microsoft.

We’ve also had fun improving the Lua language (well just a little bit). Additional operators have been added to find the min, max of two numbers or to convert from degrees to radians or vice versa. Don’t worry! You can still use the standard library functions if you prefer but the new operators are fast and easy.

Finally, as well as LOTS of plugin improvements, HTML now comes with the Facebook and Ads plugins as standard so you can monetise your HTML5 apps easily. This is a big step: the first official plugins for HTML5 and very useful ones at that!

And, as an extra bonus, Gideros now supports a brand new advertising platform: kiip. Kiip is a new and innovative reward/ads system which is supported on iOS and Android.

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