Godot 3.0.3 Released

Godot Engine just got a new release, 3.0.3.  This is primarily a maintenance release, composed mostly of minor improvements and bug fixes.  Hands down the biggest new feature in Godot 3.0.3 is that exporting to all desktop platforms now works for Mono/C# projects.  Please note, this release does not yet include the Android APK fix and you will have to continue using the manual tool until Godot 3.0.4 is released with a full fix.


You must have Mono 5.12 or later installed if you are using the Mono/C# version.  Apparently this is causing crashes on start up for many users.  Additionally if you are on MacOS and use Homebrew for package management, it seems the version of Mono they distribute is out of date, requiring you to manually download the most recent versions.

Other details of the release from the release announcement:

What’s new in this release

Here are some of the highlights of this release. See the full changelog for details.

  • Mono: Exporting to desktop platforms now works.
  • Universal translation of touch to mouse.
  • print_tree_pretty() was added allowing a graphical view of the scene tree.
  • Vector3::round(), Vector2::round(), and Vector2::ceil() methods were added.
  • Dynamic fonts can now have a hinting mode set.
  • Restore purchases feature for iOS.
  • AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D, and AudioStreamPlayer3D now have a pitch scale property.
  • Show origin and Show viewport setting in 2D editor.
  • You can now set Godot windows as ‘always on top’.
  • --print-fps options to print FPS to stdout.

Fixed issues

Here are some of the highlights of this release. See the full changelog for details.

  • Mono: Signal parameters no longer crash the engine.
  • Asset library thread usage, this makes the asset library more responsive.
  • Several GLTF import fixes.
  • Several memory leaks were plugged.
  • iPhone X support.
  • Several fixes to audio drivers (WASAPI and PulseAudio).
  • Several crashes were fixed.
  • Export PCK/ZIP now works again.

If you are interested in learning more about Godot 3, be sure to check out our ongoing Godot 3 tutorial series.

One major push behind this release was to enable C# developers to be able to participate in the Godot Community Game Jam, starting Friday, June the 15th.  Godot game theme voting is occurring here.

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