This video covers 2D graphics in Godot 3. We start by looking at the 2D editor tools then move on to create a Sprite, including covering the process of importing textures into the Godot engine. We then look at scripting Sprite objects, covering tasks like pivot points, translating, rotating, and scaling. We then move on to AtlasTextue, a single texture with multiple images. We then create a script illustrating how to use a sprite sheet, including creating a timer to flip between animation frames. Finally, we look at using the AnimatedSprite node, including code to control switching animations.
The Video
Assets and Code Samples
extends Sprite func _ready(): #draw in the middle of the screen position = Vector2(get_viewport().size.x/2,get_viewport().size.y/2) #scale to 30% scale = Vector2(0.3,0.3) #rotate by 90degrees rotate(deg2rad(90)) set_process(false) func _process(delta): # each frame rotate by 90deg/sec rotation = self.rotation + deg2rad(90.0 * delta) # move left by 100 pixels / sec # once you go off left side of screen, jump to the right translate(Vector2(-100*delta,0)) if(position.x < 0): position = Vector2(get_viewport().size.x, get_viewport().size.y/2)
extends Sprite var timer func _ready(): timer = timer.connect("timeout",self,"tick") add_child(timer) timer.wait_time = 0.2 timer.start() func tick(): if self.frame < 9: self.frame = self.frame + 1 else: self.frame = 0
extends AnimatedSprite func _ready(): connect("animation_finished",self, "_on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished") func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished(): if self.animation == "run": animation = "jumpattack" else: animation = "run"
The assets used in this example can be downloaded here.