Following 7 different Dev releases [ our coverage of Godot 4.4 Dev1 and Dev2, Dev3, Dev4 and Dev5 as well as Dev6 and the addition of Jolt Physics in Dev7 ] Godot 4.4 Beta 1 is here. This release adds a few more new features on top of the previously feature packed Dev releases and represents the last major additions to the 4.4 branch, everything else from this point to release candidate should only be small fixes and improvements.
Highlights of the Godot 4.4 Beta release include:
- Typed Dictionary support in GDScript
- Metal rendering support and Metal upscaling on Apple devices
- New embeddable Game window for runtime interaction with your game
- Jolt Physics engine integration
- REPL evaluation in debugger
- Physics based snapping for 3D object placement in the world
- Interactive camera preview
- Favoriting of properties in the inspector
There are of course several hundred other fixes and improvements in the Godot 4.4 Beta release.
Key Links
Godot 4.4 Beta Release Announcement
Godot 4.4 Beta Interactive Changelog
You can learn more about the Godot 4.4 Beta release and see several of my favorite new features in action in the video below.