I’ve recently been having a bit of a fight with Google development tools, GWT and the GWT plugin for Chrome on Windows 8 specifically. Following the linked instructions I did manage to get the plugin installed, however today I started experiencing a new joy… Every few minutes I would experience:
It would sometimes happen on load, other times when I tabbed back to Eclipse. Apparently the GWT plugin is notoriously fragile. Given the fact it doesn’t even run on Windows 8 without something of a song and dance, this isn’t really shocking. I did however find a fix. If you experience a GWT DMP Plugin crash in Chrome, check the following.
Go to chrome://extensions in Chrome. Locate the plugin and click options:
In my case, there were no inclusions set for some reason. Make sure localhost is added like so. ( I did too just in case… )
And, no more crashes! That said, I’m still fed up with the entire process. There is a project called Super Dev Mode that removes the plugin requirement completely, but there is an element of complexity involved.