Hard Ops & Box Cutter are two of the most popular plugins for Blender, and they are both currently featured in the Blender Market Best of 2024 Humble Bundle. When we first covered that bundle I promised to take a closer look at both add-ons and here is that much belated effort.
Hard Ops is described as:
HardOps is a toolkit that encompasses more than just modelling. There are tools pertaining to rendering, mirroring, inserts and even sculpting tools. This is the core of my workflow in Blender and is recommended for anyone doing Hard Surface or just wants to use Blender much more efficiently.
While Box Cutter is described accordingly:
Boxcutter is just a cutter. However, by just a cutter we mean this tool is focused on being the fastest and easy to use 3d view cut tool. If you love Hard Ops then Boxcutter is just another piece of the workflow. Drawing cuts and having real-time feedback is truly the next level of the workflow.
We take a hands-on look at both add-ons in action in the video below. One very important thing to be aware of with this Humble Bundle is the following statement:
The assets in this bundle are final and will not undergo any further updates or revisions from the creators.
So these are frozen in time versions of the plugins, meaning you are getting the version that is current today, but you will not get updates. If you want updates to the plugins it is better to buy them from GumRoad or Blender Market directly.
Key Links
Blender Market: Best of 2024 Humble Bundle
HardOps & Box Cutter on GumRoad
HardOps & Box Cutter on Blender Market
The above links may contain an affiliate code that pays GFS a commission if used (and thanks so much if you do!). Learn more about Hard-Ops and Box Cutter in the video below.