A new game developer friendly Humble Bundle is currently running, this one is the Humble Book Bundle: Coder’s Bookshelf. As always, Humble bundles are a collection of similar themed items, often Books, Games or other media, increasingly of interest to game developers. Portions of the proceeds go to charity, humble, the publisher or to support GFS. Each bundle is broken into tiers, and if you buy a higher tier item, you get all of the items below it.
This bundle consists of:
1$ Tier
Understanding ECMASCRIPT 6
Learn Java the Easy Way
Think Like A Programmer
Python Playground
8$ Tier
Doing Math with Python
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
The Art of R Programming
The Principles of Object-Oriented Javascript
15$ Tier
The Rust Programming Language
The Book of R
Cracking Codes with Python
Practical SQL
20$ Tier
The LINUX Programming Interface