There is another Humble Bundle of interest to developers, especially those interested in learning or using the Python programming language. The Humble Book Bundle: Python by O’Reilly is a collection of Python programming books from O’Reilly press, generally one of the best publishers out there. As always the bundle is structured into tiers. The current tiers are:
- Introducing Python
- The Hitchhikers Guide to Python
- Elegant SciPy
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Think Python
- Think Bayes
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python
- Fluent Python
- Web Scraping with Python
- Test-Driven Development With Python
- Flask Web Development
- Twisted Networking Programming Essentials
You can decide how you funds are allocated, split between the publisher, Humble, this channel (thanks!) and charity, including Code For America and appropriately enough the Python Software Foundation. The bundle can be had here and expires in 14 days (@May 12th/2019).