Interesting book coming soon: Learn Lua for iOS Game Development


Looking for the perfect gift for the geek who has everything?  Well, Learn Lua for iOS Game Development is coming out just before Christmas , plus it’s on sale for 25 bucks.  ( What’s with pre-release books already being on sale??? ).



Alright, hundreds of computer texts are released every year, dozens of them about game programming… so why the interest in this particular book?  You may remember a while back I put together  Battle of the Lua Game Engines: Corona vs. Gideros vs. Love vs. Moai and I actually enjoyed working with all three technologies.  Well this book covers using all three SDKs as well as Codea which I hadn’t heard of until this point.



Obviously the book isn’t going to cover any of those technologies in detail, each one could probably merit it’s own book.  It should however teach you the required bits of Lua and expose you to a little more detail than my comparison.  Lua is a wonderful little language, one you should certainly look into if you haven’t already.  This book may just be the right introduction, it releases on December 17th.


Here is the Table of Contents of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development:

Part 1 – Lua

1. Introduction to Lua
2. System Libraries
3. File IO
4. Math
5. Strings
6. Threading
7. Tips and Tricks   

Part 2 – Frameworks

8. CoronaSDK
9. Gideros Studio
10. MoaiSDK
11. Löve
12. Codea

Part 3 – Libraries
13. Libraries
14. 3rd Party Apps   


Most APress books end up on Safari Books Online, so expect a review shortly after this book is released.  It does strike me a bit odd that they would limit the title to iOS games, when Corona, Gideros and Moai all support Android as well ( without change in most cases ) and I don’t believe Love supports iOS at all…?  So if you are interested in Android development, don’t let the title put you off.

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