Introducing a new series: Creating a game sprite from beginning to end


I am about to create a game sprite for my own use and I figured I would document the process.  I am going to make an animated jet sprite and ultimately output a multi-frame single sprite sheet ready for use in a game.


Through the process I (may) cover:

  • Concept design ( as far as I do it anyway… )
  • Modeling it in Blender ( probably over multiple parts )
  • Texture painting in Blender
  • Texture finishing in GIMP or another image manipulation program
  • Animation ( maybe, might be overkill ) in Blender
  • Rendering in Blender
  • Making a sprite sheet, probably using TexturePacker
  • Using the sprite sheet in code (maybe ), probably using Haxe/OpenFL/Some Haxe Library, but subject to change.


Basically if I need to do it, I will document the process.


Keep in mind… I am a programmer who dabbles in art, and it shows!  We are just one step up from programmer art here, but the process is pretty much the same, you just need to add a bit more talent and patience. I am certainly not recommending anyone follow my work process, but it may give you some ideas.  Worst case scenario, it may just give you a good laugh!


Hope you enjoy.

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