It Came From YouTube–Week 2


This series is a recap of GameFromScratch’s previous week activity on YouTube.



This week was pretty sparse because it was the week of the Christmas holiday.  Happy holiday folks!  There were however still four videos this week:


A Completely Random Look at 123D Sculpt a freely available tablet based sculpting application from Autodesk.


A Completely Random Look at 123D Sculpt


Next up we have another episode in the Closer Look game engine series. This one looks at the early access Atomic Game Engine

A Closer Look at the Atomic Game Engine


Next up we have another entry in the GameDev toolbox series. This time it’s Webstorm, the excellent JavaScript IDE from Net Brains

GameDev Toolbox: Webstorm


And of course, this weeks news:

This Week in GameDev — Week 6, Dec 27/2015


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