jMonkeyEngine just released 3.1 Alpha 3. Just recently they released Alpha 2 that decoupled jMonkeyEngine from Netbeans IDE. This release takes this one step further and adds a few new features.
About the release:
Without too much fanfare, the JME 3.1 alpha 3 release has been uploaded to the various places, including jcenter. If you reference version=”[3.1,)” in your gradle or maven projects then you should get an update automatically when they recheck.
- SDK was moved to its own project
- Some cloning cleanup in prep for replacing spatial and control cloning in alpha 4
- added a cloning util package
- J3MExporter
- various other bug fixes
Alpha 4 is scheduled for two weeks and may have some breaking changes. After that if necessary there will be an alpha 5 two weeks after that to resolve any alpha 4 bugs… then we hope for beta.
So if you aren’t already, please start using and testing these releases as it’s the only way the bugs will get fixed before they break your games.
More details are available here. Nice to see the faster release schedule, let’s hope it keeps up.