So, some exciting personal news today, I can finally unveil what I’ve been working on the last several months, my new book PlayStation Mobile Cookbook! A special thanks to my reviewers and supporters at Sony and the entire team at Packt, it was a pleasure working with you all on this book.
If you have never read one of Packt’s “cookbook style” books, it’s basically composed of a series of recipes illustrating how to perform a particular task followed by a detailed description of what’s happening as well as various tips and tricks. In this case, it contains over 60 different sample applications illustrating how to do… well, just about everything you want to with the PlayStation Mobile SDK. If you’ve run through any of my tutorials, you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect.
For a better idea of the contents of the book, here is the Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Getting Started
- Introduction
- Accessing the PlayStation Mobile portal
- Installing the PlayStation Mobile SDK
- Creating a simple game loop
- Loading, displaying, and translating a textured image
- “Hello World” drawing text on an image
- Deploying to PlayStation certified Mobile Android devices
- Deploying to a PlayStation Vita
- Manipulating an image dynamically
- Working with the filesystem
- Handling system events
Chapter 2: Controlling Your PlayStation Mobile Device
- Introduction
- Handling the controller’s d-pad and buttons
- Using the Input2 wrapper class
- Using the analog joysticks
- Handling touch events
- Using the motion sensors
- Creating onscreen controls for devices without gamepads
- Configuring an Android application to use onscreen controls
Chapter 3: Graphics with GameEngine2D
- Introduction
- A game loop, GameEngine2D style
- Creating scenes
- Adding a sprite to a scene
- Creating a sprite sheet
- Using a sprite sheet in code
- Batching a sprite with SpriteLists
- Manipulating a texture’s pixels
- Creating a 2D particle system
Chapter 4: Performing Actions with GameEngine2D
- Introduction
- Handling updates with Scheduler
- Working with the ActionManager object
- Using predefined actions
- Transitioning between scenes
- Simple collision detection
- Playing background music
- Playing sound effects
Chapter 5: Working with Physics2D
- Introduction
- Creating a simple simulation with gravity
- Switching between dynamic and kinematic
- Creating a (physics!) joint
- Applying force and picking a physics scene object
- Querying if a collision occurred
- Rigid body collision shapes
- Building and using an external library
Chapter 6: Working with GUIs
- Introduction
- “Hello World” – HighLevel.UI style
- Using the UI library within a GameEngine2D application
- Creating and using hierarchies of widgets
- Creating a UI visually using UIComposer
- Displaying a MessageBox dialog
- Handling touch gestures and using UI effects
- Handling language localization
Chapter 7: Into the Third Dimension
- Introduction
- Creating a simple 3D scene
- Displaying a textured 3D object
- Implementing a simple camera system
- A fragment (pixel) shader in action
- A vertex shader in action
- Adding lighting to your scene
- Using an offscreen frame buffer to take a screenshot
Chapter 8: Working with the Model Library
- Introduction
- Importing a 3D model for use in PlayStation Mobile
- Loading and displaying a 3D model
- Using BasicProgram to perform texture and shader effects
- Controlling lighting using BasicProgram
- Animating a model
- Handling multiple animations
- Using bones to add a sword to our animated model
Chapter 9: Finishing Touches
- Introduction
- Opening and loading a web browser
- Socket-based client and server networking
- Accessing (Twitter) data over the network using REST and HttpWebRequest
- Copying and pasting using Clipboard
- Embedding and retrieving a resource from the application assembly
- Configuring your application using PublishingUtility
- Creating downloadable content (DLC) for your application
Appendix: Publishing Your Application
- Introduction
The book is quite literally at the printers right now, I’ll post more details once it’s available on Amazon, on Safari Books Online or in stores for purchase. It should be in the next couple of days. You can of course order the book on the Packt website.
Are trying to figure out what to get your grandmother for her birthday? I have the perfect recommendation! 🙂
Hope you enjoy the book!