LibGDX, the cross platform, Java based, open-source game development library just released version 1.7. I have to admit, not the most exciting release notes ever mind you…
[1.7.0] - Gdx.input.setCursorImage removed, replaced with and see - Fixed an issue with UTF8 decoding in GWT emulation of InputStreamReader - Updated to RoboVM 1.8 for iOS 9 and Xcode 7 supportIf you have a game on the iOS App Store, make sure it works on iOS 9. If not, recompile with RoboVM 1.8 and Xcode 7 and resubmit it to the App Store!
Update your project as usual. Also update your RoboVM Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA plugin to 1.8.0!. If you are on a Mac, consider using RoboVM Studio. It will take away all the setup pain for you
Happy coding!
If you are interested in learning more about LibGDX, has two comprehensive tutorial series for you, one in text, the other in video format.
RoboVM Studio is something I very much have to check out. It’s basically a fork of IntelliJ 15 with the RoboVM stuff preinstalled and preconfigured. As IntelliJ is my Java weapon of choice, next time I am working with iOS i’ll have to give this a go.