LibGDX Video Tutorial: Creating and Using Fonts and Text


In the last video tutorial we used a graphic instead of text to create a Hello World.  This is because drawing text is actually a multi step process in LibGDX and not really appropriate for a first tutorial.  It is however perfect for a second tutorial, so here we are! 😉


In this video we explore the difference between TTF and Bitmap fonts, show how to run the Hiero font generation tool in both Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA then create and save a bitmap font.  We then explore the code needed to show a bitmap font on screen, including how to measure the results, apply color and text justification.


The video is available in up to 1080P on YouTube by clicking here.


The source code:

Initial Example – Loading a font and drawing text:

package com.gamefromscratch;    import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter;  import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;  import;  import;  import;  import;    public class gdxtext extends ApplicationAdapter {     SpriteBatch batch;      BitmapFont font;       @Override     public void create () {        batch = new SpriteBatch();          font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("Papy.fnt"));     }       @Override     public void render () {, 0, 0, 1);;        batch.begin();            //Example One -- Drawing Text          font.draw(batch,"Hello World",,;            batch.end();     }  }


Example 2 – Measuring and centering text:

BitmapFont.TextBounds bounds = font.getBounds("Hello World");  font.draw(batch,"Hello World", - bounds.width/2, + bounds.height/2);

Example 3 – Multi-line Text

String debugString = "I took one, one cause you left men"             + "Two, two for my familyn"             + "Three, three for my heartachen"             + "Four, four for my headachesn"             + "Five, five for my sorrown";     BitmapFont.TextBounds bounds = font.getMultiLineBounds(debugString);


Example 4 — Center justified text in the colour purple

    font.setColor(Color.PURPLE);      font.drawMultiLine(batch,              debugString,              0,     + bounds.height/2,    ,              BitmapFont.HAlignment.CENTER              );

Programming Video

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