Microsoft Dev Release BabylonJS Generator


BabylonJS is a popular 3D game engine for WebGL that I covered back in the spring.  Today Sébastien Pertus at Microsoft announced the release of a project generator available on npm:


Today I want to share with you a new project I work on those days. The idea is to bring you a new tool to generate code for BabylonJS

Imagine you want to create a quick project with BabylonJS. You have to create a project, reference BabylonJS, create a simple scene, add assets and so on.

It’s straightforward, but we can do better…

BabylonJS Generator is a npm package based on Yeoman to provide you a simple way to create a BabylonJS project, hosted on node.js

Yeoman generator is already used with a lot of project (angular, webapp, wordpress,, office addins and so on …)

Check the generators here :

The Babylon generator


First, install Yeoman and generator-babylonjs using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

This step has to be done only one time. The “-g” argument will install those packages globally to your computer.

npm install -g yo

npm install -g generator-babylonjs

From now, you can generate your new project with this simple command :

yo babylonjs


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