Mobile support on… watch for bugs


If you are visiting from a mobile device, you may notice some massive changes.  Now when you visit the site, instead of the ugly GFS you know and love, you instead are getting an even uglier GFS!  Here is the site rendered on my HTC One for example:




I personally hate Hate HATE mobile sites, especially for sites like this one.  Code samples simply don’t look good on phones, and the full site looked just fine on my iPad.


However, Google disagrees and there is an algorithm change coming next week and if you like Google traffic, you can’t simply ignore it.  Your ranking is going to be tied to your mobile friendly-ness, and frankly, I wasn’t mobile friendly, not even close.  Today however I did mange to get the score up:



So the good news is, my Google index won’t get worse… in fact, it should improve.


The bad news is:

a) the mobile site is a quick smash-up.  Only about 5% of traffic is mobile as it is and if you are like me you just request the desktop site anyways.  I do need to spend some more time making this more functional and less ugly.

b) GFS is written with a fixed 900px working area assumed.  This was a requirement for formatting screen shots and code samples.  On mobile, neither of these are going to look ideal

c) bugs… there are certain to be bugs.


So, if you run into problems with the change, please let me know.  If you like me hate mobile sites, I’m sorry…  Google tied my hands on this one.


In time however I really need to sit down for a week or two and redo GFS from top to bottom.  Make things a bit less ugly and more importantly, better organize all of the content that is buried in this site.  When I do this I can hopefully merge the mobile and desktop experience into a more cohesive single theme.


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