NeoAxis, a .NET powered 3D game engine with full editor, just released version 3.5. The key features of this release are:
- Graphic user interface of the tools has been updated.
- A tool to easily import 3D models from a file has been added.
- Example maps have been updated.
- Freeze Objects Manager has been added. The object is indended to optimize maps with big amount of objects on them. With this object the developer can make some objects on the map freeze to save resources.
- Streaming terrain has been improved. Better management of load/unload mechanism.
- The ability to skip mip maps during loading textures.
- Bug fix: Broken rendering with enabled SoftParticles parameter of the material.
- Bug fix: Broken decals on terrain.
- Bug fix: Broken export of 3D models from Map Editor to DAE.
You can read more about the release here.