We just published a brand new 18 part text tutorial series over on DevGa.me, Getting Started with Godot Step by Step Tutorial Series. This tutorial walks you through the entire game creation process using Godot 3.1, from creating your initial project, to publishing your game with details step by step instructions and screen shots. Even better it’s got professional quality art assets from Game Developer Studios and is completely open source!
The tutorial consist of:
Getting Started with Godot
Setup and Project Creation
Creating your Title Screen
Playing Background Music
Global Data via Autorun
Creating a Simple UI
Creating the Main Game Scene
Creating Parallax Clouds
Creating the Player
Handling Input
Add a Scene Animation
Creating Bullets
Creating the Enemies
Configuring the Collisions
Populating the Game World
Adding Shooting to the Game
Making Things Explode
The Final Code
Building your Game for Windows
If you need more detailed information on any subject we cover, be sure to check our existing Godot 3 Tutorial series, that goes into much more technical detail. There will be a step by step video version available shortly. There is also a 70pg PDF version of this tutorial available for Patreons.