I have a bit of a project I need to undertake in real life, that overlaps nicely with this site, so I am documenting the process here.
The nutshell version, I have a toddler and she is having trouble with transitions. People have suggestion a This Then board, in terms of “Do This” “Then that” will happen. Its remarkably simple over all, it is pretty much two pieces of velcro on a piece of cardboard and a bunch of pictures that we can stick to it. I was about to have to print off a ton of pictures, scale them down, stick velcro to them and it dawned on me… this calls for an App!
See, I have a ton of devices around this place… PCs, a Mac, a Galaxy Note, S3, Transformer, Playbook, iPhone, iPod and even an iPad that my daughter has pretty much claimed as her own. So it only makes sense to implement this an application. That said, supporting all of these platforms would be a pretty epic pain in the butt. Also, I have very little desire to pay Apple 99$ a year just to put this app on her iPad, and I don’t want to be bothered with jailbreaking.
This is where my recent playing with HTML5 comes in extremely handy. I am going to create it using a variety of technologies, include cocos2D, node/express and heroku. The application itself is very simple, but the process is stuff that almost any moderately advanced web application is going to face.
First off, HTML5 is wonderful, but it has some serious limitations. One such limitation is only having minimal local storage. This is where your server comes in, and Node delivers in spades. Another problem almost all web apps face is… where do I put this thing? We will cover that as well. Possibly at the end I will also covering delivering to device ( PhoneGap? Appcelerator? ), that’s a wait and see thing.
This isn’t exactly a tutorial series; this is something I have to accomplish, so I’ve decided to document the process as I go. I wont always go into as much detail as I normally do with tutorials and I promise you, unless you have a toddler yourself, the end result wont be that exciting of a game. However, you will see how to quickly make an HTML5 game in cocos2D, hosted in Node.js, developed quickly. Hope you enjoy.
In fact, the first post is up. This one covers hosting a cocos2D app ( our last tutorial on menus and music ) in a custom Node.js based server.