OpenFL 8.1 Released

OpenFL, the cross platform low level media framework library for the Haxe programming language, just released version 8.1.  The biggest feature by far in this release is beta support for the ActionScript 3.0 language.  This is a strangely karmic release as the FL in OpenFL stands for Flash and ActionScript is the ECMAScript derived scripting language used to program in Flash.  OpenFL is the underlying technology used to create a number of games including the popular indie hit Papers Please.

Details of the release from the OpenFL forum:

OpenFL 8.1 is here, and introduces beta support for ActionScript 3.0 as a source language!

We’d love additional feedback on how we can improve the workflow in our samples.

To get started, enter any of the samples, run npm install then npm start.

We expect to continue to work with Apache Royale until we can bring the workflow up to par with our other supported source languages on NPM (Haxe, TypeScript, ES5 JavaScript, ES6 JavaScript).

Thanks for your support, feedback and help!

OpenFL 8.1 is available on both NPM and Haxelib. Though this is primarily an NPM feature-based release, there are some minor fixes for the Haxelib release as well

You can learn more about OpenFL at the OpenFL homepage.

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