Overlap2D, a LibGDX based UI/Level Editor, goes open source


Overlap2D, a 2D Level/UI editor built over LibGDX has recently gone open source.  We hosted a tutorial here on Gamefromscratch on using Overlap2D several months back.


From the announcement:

Overlap2D is now open source!

So yeah, after intense re-factoring, we are finally ready to give Overlap2D sources to our fantastic community!

Github URL: https://github.com/UnderwaterApps/overlap2d

From now on, you will be able to fix or add anything and for everyone.

We are going to see tons of new features in near time, starting from bug proof editor with performance improvements and finishing with crazy addons like terrain editor, custom shaders, polygons, advanced asset manager and much more. With so much going on, you may be asking yourself – how can I help?

And seriously, we really need your help. 

So, here are some ideas you can try out if you feel generous:

We hope this will make editor better, and that in turn will enable you to make amazing 2D games!

Head to github, fork us, explore the code and make some pull requests!


Nope, this is not a late April fools joke.  You can see Overlap2D in action in the video below:



Very cool news guys!

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