Instead of updating all of the tutorials each time something is changed ( sadly, something I do not have the time for ), I will use this guide to track breaking changes as the occur.
PlayStation Studio .98 –> PlayStation Mobile .99
Libraries have been renamed from Sce.Pss to Sce.PlayStation. So instead of say:
import Sce.Pss.Graphics;
it is now:
import Sce.Playstation.Graphics;
The install path has changed from [Program Files]Pss to [Program Files]PSM.
PssStudio is now PsmStudio.
Oddly enough, for me at least, it didn’t create a start menu entry.
Fortunately there is a conversion utility that will convert your code to the new naming standard. In C:Program Files (x86)SCEPSMtools ( on my 64bit Win7 install anyways ), there is a file named project_conv_098to099.bat. Simply drag your existing project folder on top of that script, or run it from a cmd prompt passing it your code directory, and your project will be updated.
The full .99 release notes are available here.
Here is the conversion process in action:
General Programming