I’ve been trying out PlayStation Studio on Windows 8, and the results are pretty poor.
First the bad news, the simulator and Vita drivers don’t work, so you can’t actually run your code. The good news is though, you can get the tools and IDE working, but you need to jump through a few hoops.
First you need to make sure .NET 2/3.5 installed. You need to “Turn windows features on or off”, then add the .net Framework, like such:
Next, you are going to receive the error:
Error MSB4185: The function "CurrentUICulture" on type "System.Globalization.CultureInfo" has not been enabled for execution. (MSB4185)
When you try to run your code. You need to set an environment variable in order to fix this error.
Add the environment variable MSBUILDENABLEALLPROPERTYFUNCTIONS and assign it the value 1. You can do this at a command prompt by typing “setx MSBUILDENABLEALLPROPERTYFUNCTIONS 1”. Now reboot and run PSStudio and it should work correctly.
Well, except the whole being able to run your code thing. If I figure that part out, I will let you know!