This is simply a quick reference to all of the modelling commands in a single place.
Key | Action |
A | Select/Deselect All |
X | Delete selected |
T | Hide/Show Tools panel |
N | Hide Show properties panel |
Select and Navigation |
A | Select/Deselect All |
B + LMB + Drag | Box/Border select |
C + LMB + Drag | Circle select |
CTRL + LMB + Drag | Lasso select |
– or CTRL + MMB + Drag or Scroll wheel |
Zoom out |
MMB + SHIFT + DRAG or CTRL + 2/4/6/8 on numpad |
Pan view |
MMB + Drag or 2/4/6/8 on numpad |
Rotate View |
. | Frame selected |
Moving, Scaling and Rotating |
N | Show or Hide property window |
G + LMB + Drag | Grab/Move/Translate selected item(s) |
S + LMB + Drag | Scale selected item(s) |
R + LMB + Drag | Rotate selected item(s) |
S or G or R + X or Y or Z |
Limit scale,move or rotation to selected axis |
S or G or R + X or Y or Z + Number value + ENTER |
Scale, move or rotate selected item(s) along selected axis by entered amount. Can use a decimal point. |
Toggle current mode ( Object, Edit, etc ) |
CTRL + TAB | Toggle between mesh select modes (Vertices, edges, faces ) |
CTRL + TAB + 1 | Vertex editing mode ( must be in Edit mode ) |
CTRL + TAB + 2 | Edge editing mode ( must be in Edit mode ) |
CTRL + TAB + 3 | Face editing mode ( must be in Edit mode ) |
Modelling operations |
ALT + RMB | Select edge loop |
X Select “Delete edge loop” |
Delete edge loop |
CTRL + R |
Loop cut and slide |
CTRL + ALT + LMB | Select edge ring |
E |
Extrude |
E + x, y or z |
Extrude along axis |
K |
Knife tool |
F | Create Face |
I | Inset face |
Alt+M | Merge/Collapse |
CTRL + 1,2,3,4 or 5 | Set sub-division level |
CTRL + 0 | Turn off sub-division |
Numberpad quick reference