RoboVM 0.0.13 released

Today RoboVM announced release 0.0.13, adding bindings for a large number of iOS libraries. What you may ask is RoboVM? Well, confusing enough it is not a virtual machine like the name would suggest. Instead it’s an ahead of time compiler allowing you to run Java applications on the iOS platform. There are already a number of shipped titles using RoboVM on the App Store.



As to what’s in release 0.0.13:

Today we have the pleasure to announce that version 0.0.13 of RoboVM has been released. Here are the most important changes in this release:

Support for many new CocoaTouch frameworks have been added: Accounts, AdSupport, AssetsLibrary, CoreLocation, MediaPlayer, MessageUI, QuickLook, PassKit, SafariServices, Social, StoreKit and Twitter. A big thanks to Dominik (BlueRiverInteractive) for helping out with these bindings! We’ve added a page on the RoboVM wiki which tracks the status of the bindings for each of Apple’s CocoaTouch frameworks.

The old CocoaTouch bindings have now been properly deprecated using @Deprecated. The old bindings will be removed in the next release so now is a good time to migrate if you haven’t already.

A nasty bug in the Obj-C bridge which could cause crashes on deallocation of Obj-C objects have been fixed. (#337)

The object file cache didn’t work properly for classes in JAR files built in different timezones. (#339)

UIAlertView now works properly on iOS 7. (#195)

The 0.0.13 release can be downloaded from the Eclipse Marketplace or from the RoboVM home page. Also, it has been pushed to Maven Central. Version of the RoboVM Maven plugin has also been pushed and will soon be available in Maven Central.


You can read the entire release right here although I quoted most of the relevant bits above. Oh yeah, they are also hiring if you happen to live near Gothenburg.


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