Rust Powered Bevy Game Engine Release 0.15

Almost 5 months after the previous release the open-source Rust powered cross-platform 2D/3D data driven game engine/framework Bevy just released Bevy 0.15. Key features of this release include:

  • Required Components: A rethink of how spawning entities works that significantly improves the Bevy user experience
  • Entity Picking / Selection: A modular system for selecting entities across contexts
  • Animation Improvements: generalized entity animation, animation masks, additive blending, and animation events
  • Curves: a new Curve trait, cyclic splines, common easing functions, color gradient curves
  • Reflection Improvements: Function reflection, unique reflect, remote type reflection
  • Bevy Remote Protocol (BRP): A new protocol that allows external clients (such as editors) to interact with running Bevy games
  • Visibility Bitmask Ambient Occlusion (VBAO): An improved GTAO algorithm that improves ambient occlusion quality
  • Chromatic Aberration: A new post processing effect that simulates lenses that fail to focus light to a single point
  • Volumetric Fog Improvements: “Fog volumes” that define where volumetric fog is rendered (and what form it takes), along with Point Lights and Spotlight compatibility
  • Order Independent Transparency: A new opt-in transparency algorithm that improves the stability / quality of transparent objects as their distance from the camera changes
  • Improved Text Rendering: We’ve switched to Cosmic Text for our text rendering, which significantly improves our ability to render text, especially for non-Latin-based languages that require font shaping and bidirectional text
  • Gamepads as Entities: Gamepads are now represented as entities, making them much easier to interact with
  • UI Box Shadows: Bevy UI nodes can now render configurable box shadows

Key Links

Bevy Homepage

Bevy 0.15 Release Notes

GitHub Repository

Bevy Discord

You can learn more about the Bevy 0.15 release in the video below.

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