Scrap – Raylib Powered Visual Programming Language

There is a new Visual Programming language available, Scrap. It is a free and open source (GPL v3 licensed) project that is heavily inspired by the Scratch programming language, which was made using the excellent C/C++ Raylib game framework. The big difference between Scrap and Scratch is a focus on advanced users and performance.

Key differences of Scrap from Scratch include:

  • Faster runtime (Still not faster than Turbowarp because Scrap is interpreted for now)
  • The addition of separate else if, else blocks (C-end blocks as i call them), which eliminates a lot of nested checks with if-else blocks (i.e. more flexible variant of if-else block in Snap!)
  • Variables can have a lifetime, which avoids variable name conflicts and allows to make temporary variables
  • Custom blocks can return values and can be used as an argument for other block
  • Various string manipulation blocks and bitwise operator blocks
  • Data type conversion functions
  • More strict checks for [[] = []] and [[] != []] blocks. Now they are case sensitive and will check data type for equality
  • Lists are now a data type instead of a different type of variable, this allows nesting lists inside a list (although it’s not very convenient as of right now)
  • The code runs in a separate thread. This solves some performance issues compared to Scratch
  • Modularized interface. Most of the interface can be rearranged or moved to another tab

Scrap is available on Windows and Linux.

Key Links

Scrap GitHub

Scrap Downloads

Raylib Framework

You can learn more about Scrap in the video below.

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